
From Dr. Yan Meng, Dec 27, 2021

It has been two years since Ms. Cathy Peng founded Cathy Fun Fitness Network to pass on the concepts of healthy physical lifestyle and positive mental wellness on March 28, 2020, right after the pandemic started in the US. At the very beginning, from delicately selecting music, leading the dance, and hosting every evening’s fitness dance via Zoom, Cathy did all these by herself. Occasionally, she would ask her dancer friends’ help when she was not available. Sometimes, she randomly set up one or two participants as cohosts to give feedbacks from the participants’ side on the quality of music and video. After that, a volunteer group was gradually developed to assist Cathy on the daily hosting and platform maintenance, many of whom were encouraged to join the group by Cathy’s warm words and beautiful smile.

At present, the volunteer group has gradually improved its organizational structure to facilitate efficient communication and better service to the participants. It includes the Executive Operation Team and the Expansion and Development Team. It further includes the WeChat Management Department, Hosting and Leading Dance Department, Local Activity Department, Publicity Planning Department, WeChat Official Account Department, Non-profit Organization Preparation Department, Outreach and Public Relations Department, Website Department and Technology Department. Many people have improved their physical and mental health through this Fitness Network, and have also experienced the concept of delivering health and conveying love to the community.

I joined the volunteer group as a host for dancing events as soon as it was established. I have also participated in other services such as fundraising. Joining the volunteer group, I have gotten to meet many talented and caring volunteers. I never thought that I would have made so many new friends via the internet. The volunteers come from the United States, Canada, Malaysia, China, and many other countries from all over the world. We broke through the limitations of time zone, culture, background, and age, and are working together just like old friends with tacit understanding. Nevertheless, there will be friction and collision inevitably during the work, through which we all have learned and improved our communication skills, and friendship grows from an exchange of blows.

Ms. Cathy Peng is a career tutor, and she has a long-term vision for the development of the Fitness Network. For instance, she invited Dr. Xin Ai from Silicon Valley, California to give three design thinking lessons to volunteers. What is design thinking? In short, design thinking is people-oriented design concept used by designers from design industry, which is now applied to all fields of society now. It didn’t make sense to me until I took three classes. For example, a recent design thinking class was given to help volunteers to grow an open mindset and use it in volunteer work for the development of the platform. I feel very lucky to have met Ms. Cathy, my volunteer friends and all the participants. During the pandemic, they have been like a lamp to illuminate and warm me. Cathy Fitness Network provides us a platform for our growth and development physically and mentally. Welcome to join the volunteer team! We are here waiting for you!

孟岩 2021 年 12 月 27 日

Cathy 老师成立这个传递健康,传递爱的平台到2022年3月28日就整整两年了。平台刚开始时 Cathy 老师从选歌,领跳,串场都是一肩挑,偶尔有事在不能领舞时她会找有舞蹈或健身经验的朋友来帮忙。在跳舞时有时随机设一两个先上来的群友当 Cohost 用以反馈视频或音乐的是否正常。在后来她成立了义工群,召集有爱心的群友协助老师主持每天的舞会或是给老师替班带舞。很多人都是在 Cathy 老师的鼓励下加入义工群。

目前义工群也逐步完善了组织结构,以方便大家的高效沟通和更好地为群友服务。平台目前设置了以下组织结构:包括平台常务运营组和平台拓展开发组。下面还包 括:微信管理部,主持领舞部,当地活动部,宣传策划部,微信公众号部,非营利组织筹建部,外联公关部,平台网站部,平台技术部。为使平台得到更长足的发展,使更多人得益于这个平台带来的健身,健心,健脑的同时,还体验并建立传递健康,传递爱的理念。

我在义工群成立之初就加入了主持人的行列,还参与筹款等其他服务。加入义工群,我认识了好多有才华,有爱心的义工。我从没想到会交上这么些素昧平生的朋友。大 家来自世界各地,有美国,加拿大,中国等。我们突破了时间,地域,年龄,阅历的限制,大家聚在一起,竞像多年的老朋友一样合作得很默契和和谐,当然也会有一些摩擦和 碰撞。我以前会很忌讳和别人的冲突,但这太理想化了,除非缩在一个壳子里永远不出 来。我意识到摩擦和冲突其实也反过来给我们提供了一个提高自己沟通能力的契机,所谓 “不打不相识”。

Cathy 老师是职场导师,她站得高,看得远。为了平台更长足地发展,她特地邀请了美国加州硅谷的艾欣博士给义工和感兴趣的群友们上了三次设计思维课。那么什么是设 计思维呢?简而言之,设计思维是本着以人为本的设计理念,由设计师们最先使用,现如今已经从设计界走向社会的各个领域。我也是懵懵懂懂地上了三次课后才有了一些理解。 比如说最近的一次设计思维课的目的是“用以帮助义工成长,反过来对平台的发展做贡献”。我很感恩,遇见 Cathy 老师,还有各位义工和群友,她们是我在疫情期间的一盏灯,一团火,照亮我,温暖我,提升我。Cathy 健身平台给我们提供了这样一个成长的平台,欢迎你加入义工队伍,我们在这里等着你!

From Jihua Wang, 芝加哥

🌹🌹特别感谢2022年32日上爱心榜的一群群友 Jihua Wang,这是她对平台的第五次馈赠👍👍来自芝加哥的 Jihua 也是Cathy老师职场培训三班的优秀学员,她与自信满满的儿子 Walter 担任过平台去年万圣节舞会的主持👍💐她的爱心馈赠留言是⬇️

Cathy健身舞既健身也健心,emotional intelligence 好难做到; 经常被手下和合作者气到,等着健身课时顺便mental therapy;让负面情绪和健身汗水一起流走,gone with the wind. 像老师反复强调的seeing from positive side gives positive results.




Originated from Love Sunday workout webinar
we come here on Fun Fitness channel every day
to relax, exercise, share feeling, and make new friends
family, friends, youth leaders, and super fan of sports
maintain a healthy, encouraging, persistent spirit and body
get rid of pressures, fat belly, and surely no negative emotions
Let’s dance, let’s workout, let’s have fun!

From Yuancong,  KY



老妈生日、老爸忌日、我自己的结婚纪念日、Step Son的生日、外甥女的生日当天我都在平台上点过歌谢谢来自加拿大卡尔加里的义工Xin 在去年金秋时节帮我录下了我跟Cathy老师与群友共舞为81岁老妈庆生的同框画面当时我点了《万爱千恩》,谢谢Cathy老师对舞友点歌即时编舞的深情演绎,让我能把与舞友们一起翩翩起舞的优美画面传送给亲朋好友,一解思乡愁!!💗
