To help as many people as possible achieve the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a positive mental wellness by creating a global fitness network, in the forms of online, offline, and hybrid, offering its attendees a joyful, motivational, and passionate environment with the widest range of exercise, fitness, dance, lectures, seminars, inclusiveness, and the friendliest service.

Fun & Fitness improved the quality of life.

“Our goal is that this hour you spend with us, is the best hour of your day.”

Cathy 开心健身公益平台简介

2020年初,一场人类始料未及的疫情突然来袭,改变了所有人的生活:限制出行,失去工作,家庭变故,心情焦虑,沮丧彷徨…. 这个时候,Cathy Peng,一位职场高管教练,三个孩子的妈妈,注意到了好多朋友的困境,感受到了大众的居家隔离痛苦。怎样能够将大家从孤独隔离中带出来,怎样让大家能够在家锻炼身体,享受音乐,享受爱的氛围?

于是,2020年3月28日,她发起了“Cathy 开心健身活动”,每天免费带着大家在Zoom上健身跳舞一小时,并在曲间和大家谈论如何爱好自己,爱好亲友,在这一小时里,她让大家体验到多种舞蹈类型(Zumba,瑜伽,广场舞,交谊舞等),还有形体训练和力量训练。

平台从成立之日起,一周七天,风雨无阻。期间Cathy 老师克服了常人难以想象的困难,每天准时出现在平台上,出现在需要她的人们面前。目前,平台已经帮助很多人走出了抑郁,大大改善了身心状况, 平台也从最初的几个人,发展到现在的几千人。之所以发展这么快,因为大家被Cathy老师无私奉献的精神和大爱所吸引,享受轻松有爱的氛围,一起开心健身。Cathy 用自己的实际行动践行着平台的宗旨:传递健康· 传递爱!




平台特色:舞蹈类型多样,Zumba, Salsa, Cha Cha, Party Dance, 广场舞、形体训练、力量训练;爱的周日现场点歌

Fun Fitness Dance Channel 欢迎订阅点赞平台Youtube频道

Let’s create some positive energy with fun fitness dance. Short and long videos to dance along with as it plays on YouTube over your computer, mobile phone or smart TV. Keep it interesting with different music, scenery and dance moves, so hopefully anyone seeking to get fit while having fun dancing can find enough to enjoy in this channel. If you like the channel, subscribe and enjoy new dance videos as they come out. Remember to like the videos that you enjoy, for others to discover and also enjoy them. Post comments if there are particular types of music, moves or videos you’d like us to create for you in this channel.



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微信视频号:Cathy 开心健身平台